Simplifying Process Improvement & Environmental Compliance


Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) are used to provide data for compliance with regulatory requirements for the control, monitoring and reporting of pollutant emissions. CEMS can include monitors for CO, CO2, H2S, NO, NO2, SO2, O2, THC, Hg, HCl or Opacity.

CEMS are either in-situ, the measurement is performed in the stack or duct, or extractive, where the gas is removed from the stack or duct and transported to the analyzers.

Extractive CEMS can be either straight extractive, utilizing a vacuum pump to draw the sample from the stack to the CEMS; or dilution extractive, where a precision eductor uses very clean air to extract a sample, at the same time dilute it, then deliver the sample to the analyzers.

Types of CEMS Offered:

  • Dilution CEMS
  • Extractive CEMS
  • Mercury CEMS
  • Omni FTIR Multi-gas CEMS
  • Arke S03 CEMS
  • Volumetric Flow Monitors
  • Opacity Monitors
  • Data Acquisition and handling systems
Click here for the CEMS Capabilites Brochure
Click here for CEMS Data Sheet
Click here for Mercury Freedom System
Click here for PM CEMS
Click here for FTIR CEMS